BFA Was originally founded by Kevin Bradford, (USMC 04-07).
This is his write up as to why he started BFA:
"I made these products because I see a lot of veteran owned websites making shirts, hats and not much else. Although those products are incredible, I wanted to do something a bit different. So, I made my products out of metal instead that truly does reflect enlisted life at the junior level. It wasn't easy and took up way too much time, but to see the realized versions of my ideas is incredible and have been well received by everyone who sees them. They are in every way exactly like the real, authorized insignias that they mock, down to the dimensions, color, patterns, and metals, etc.
So get one for your friend or family member who recently enlisted. They will have the most unique gift to show off. They are great talking pieces. They have amazing quality and detail because they are made by the same company that makes all of Disney's keychains. So thanks to everyone who buys or who at least tells someone else about the site."
BFA is currently 100% owned by me (Richard Recio USMC 17-21)
I purchased BFA from Kevin in 2021 after helping run the social media pages back in 2019.
Why did I want to run BFA? Honestly I was disillusioned with the reality of the marine corps. Being stationed in a POG non-deployable unit in Hawaii is not what I joined the marines for. I've always been a creative person so BFA was my outlet while I was in to express my frustration with Peacetime life and serving during COVID-19 pandemic.
During this time I grew the original page to 32k followers from 0. (Then got banned) and currently growing the new page and I have over 45k followers now on Instagram. (Facebook I know we have a good amount of following too but I never check it tbh.)
As of now my main goal is to continue growing the product line in BFA. Make more Medals and Ranks for you to give to your friends when they get out, reenlist, or get NJP'd.
And hopefully in a couple years see if I can get my merch sold on military bases all over the US.
I hope BFA makes you laugh and spend more time with your friends. In or outside of the military. I don't have to mention it but you probably already know that Military currently has some of the highest suicide rates (Yes more than when we were actively in WAR).
I'm not trying to make shit for BobbyBrovet/Operator GoonMan. He already has Gruntstyle, BlackRifleCompany and other brands that are specifically tailored to him.
But no one gives a fuck about my generation. The peacetime generation that joined when everyone was getting out.
if you're anything like me you got out and was depressed, mad at the idea that you wasted 4 or more years cleaning old barracks and standing duty. Burt im here to tell you, it wasn't wasted... you kept the chain strong for the next generation. And hopefully our juniors juniors when they are called to fight are better prepared because you did your part to maintain the legacy.
So BFA is for YOU. The guy who did his time, got out and is trying to figure life out after the military. Your proud of your service but do NOT want it to be your entire personality like the Vietnam or GWOT vets.
If you're super moto and drank the Kool-Aid that's cool with me too, idc. I just want to make my friends laugh and remind them the military isn't and shouldn't be the highlight of my life.
If you want to go deeper into that mentality side check out my other page
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